Pay Small Small made easy

Access purchases you can payback, do not default in payment

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make timely repayments to maintain a good credit score and avoid the default charge for late repayment

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Inform your lender ahead if you're having difficulties making payment.

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How does it work?

We have a fast and easy process.


Identify Product

Browse our online store and identify the product you are interested in.



Register or Login and fill the application form to start paying small small.



We approve your application and you are good to go.

What we offer?

  • Mobile phone financing
  • Electronics financing
  • Accessories
  • Laptop financing. Pay 30% down payment and get your device instantly. access loan amount up to N70,000. 1 – 4 months payment plan.

Why People Choose Us

we give our customers the simplest ways to pay overtime.


Splitam is a credit loan platform set aside for entrepreneurs, students, and salary earners to help them get their desired mobile phones, computers, electronics, and gadgets without digging deep into their reserves or putting a dent on their tight budget by effortlessly getting what they desired. We are currently in partnership with Point Technologies.

Customer Satisfaction

When pleasantries are exchanged, memories are created. Our team is here to give you a top-notch range of premium services that are designed to provide comfort, effectiveness, accessibility, and proper accountability.


With our experience of the importance of digitalization and its simplicity, we understand that today’s consumers want control of how they finance for the things they need according to their scale of preference, our installment payment plan offers that option. This makes us one of the fastest-growing fintech companies in Nigeria.

We are here to help you

Our mission is to deliver reliable and quality services.

Get started

Looking to buy a product and spread payments? then register with us now.

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Contact us

Call hour
8:30 am - 5:30 p.m Monday, Tuesday, Friday
10:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m Thursday
10:30 am - 3:30 am Saturday
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